Frequently asked questions

Is the Residence open to everyone?
Yes, our residence is open to everyone, whether you are a seasonal worker, in professional training or a tourist.
Is it accessible 24 hours a day?
Once your check-in is done, you will have in your possession, an access card, allowing entries and exits 24 hours a day.
Can we come with our pet?
No, animals are not allowed in the residence.
Durant les longs séjours, peut-on héberger quelqu’un ?
Oui sous réserve que le logement soit équipé pour et que vous vous acquittiez du différentiel entre les tarifs, ainsi que de la taxe de séjour le cas échéant.
How long can we stay in the residence?
Stays can be from one night to several weeks, or even several months, depending on certain conditions.
In the context of stays of several weeks or months, should we open electricity and water meters?
No, electricity and water charges are included in the price of the studio rental. The same applies to insurance. On the other hand, we call on all residents to be vigilant about their water and electricity consumption.